New tracking thermometer is now available in CampusPay

Encourage more donations with a visible goal everyone can rally behind. Now schools will be able to add a Giving Thermometer to new or existing forms! Tracking the progress of your fundraising goal where others can see will motivate donors and increase giving to your cause.


With the new Giving Thermometer in CampusPay, when your donors visit your online giving page, they can track campaign progress and instantly feel a part of a group goal.

This latest feature was built with school admins in mind – so you’re in control. As you set up the thermometer, you decide which features work best for your campaign, including the ability for donors to share the campaign with others, display donor counts and more!

It’s easy to add a Giving Thermometer to a new or existing form. Review the simple instructions to see how it works.

Boost #givingtuesday donorship – add a tracking thermometer to your online form today!

Look for more enhancements to the CampusPay experience in early 2021.